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Our Royal day at Wigley #W

20th October 2021

Our Royal Day at Wigley.
Oh Please do come in…
Wow! Look at our Royal Gallery! Take at look at our Kings and Queens.
Our Crowns are handmade and very unique.

We enjoyed our feast of treats kindly made and prepared by our amazing Ms. Chapman.
Take a look at our banquet and the King and Queens surrounding the Royal Table.
We have been learning about Castles and their features- portcullis, moat etc. 
We have been thinking about what we would do if we lived in our own Castles
We won special vouchers for taking part in the games. How exciting!
Mr Ratcliffe joined in the fun and played our Draw it game! 

He chose words from our vocabulary box and had 10 seconds to draw them.

Can you guess what Mr Ratcliffe drew?
We played Add the Tail to the Corgi. We really enjoyed this challenge!

See the photographs of the Corgi below!