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Equality and diversity

The Governing Body, Headteacher and staff are committed to advancing equality of opportunity and providing fair access and treatment in employment and in delivering education. The Federation of Penny Acres and Wigley Primary School is dedicated to ensuring that all members of the school community and the wider community are treated equally, fairly, and with respect by the school and by each other. This document should be read in conjunction with the school’s ‘School Equality Policy’ (or Single Equality Plan, as appropriate.) The policy sets out how the school will promote equality of opportunity regardless of race, gender, transgender, disability age, religion or belief and sexual orientation, in both the delivery of its services and the employment of its staff.
All Governors, the Headteacher and staff, acting on behalf of the school are responsible for implementing the policy and have a continuing duty to challenge all forms of discrimination.
We will:
• Comply with and embrace equality law and good practice, including carrying out the public sector duty to promote equality.
• Secure advice and training to ensure that Governors, Headteacher and staff understand the implications of the policy, the relevant legislation and their responsibilities.
• Carry out recruitment fairly and effectively, promoting the school as an employer people are proud to work for and seeking to achieve a balanced workforce which reflects the diversity of the community, wherever possible.
• Conduct all staff appointments and promotions on the basis of merit and ability and in compliance with the law.
• Provide all employees with opportunities to influence the development of policies and practice.
• Promote and support education and training to increase awareness and eliminate discrimination.
• Regularly monitor, assess and consult on the impact of the school’s policies and procedures to ensure they are fair and reflect staff’s different needs and opinions.
• Promote and support the principles of equal pay and conditions for employment.
• Not tolerate unacceptable behaviour, such as discrimination, bullying and harassment at work, and take necessary action to address it.
• Celebrate the diversity of Derbyshire within the school and support initiatives for greater equality and awareness.
• Make reasonable adjustments in services, education and employment in line with legal duties.
• Embed equality and consideration of diversity into everyday activities. To do this, the school expects all staff to:-
o Treat everyone with dignity and respect at all times.
o Provide the best standards of service to all members of the school community.
o Consider the needs and opinions of all groups.
o Embed the advancement of equality and diversity within the school’s objectives.