If you require paper versions of any part of this website, please get in contact with either school office.

School Meals

In our Federation our children's health is very important.  We encourage a healthy lifestyle and offer a nutritionally balanced midday meal, prepared on the premises.
Can I see a copy of the menu?
  • A copy of the current menu will be sent home with your child, and is also available by following the link above. Please contact the school office or kitchen for further copies.

What if my child brings a packed-lunch from home?
  • The majority of our children enjoy a school lunch, but those who do bring a packed lunch sit and eat with the rest of the children. On request, the school cook can also offer sandwiches as an alternative to a hot lunch.

How much does school lunch cost?
  • A school lunch currently costs £2.20 per day (£11 per week), and is payable on the first day of the week either by cheque (made payable to Derbyshire County Council) ,in correct change in a purse or envelope marked with your child’s name or via ParentMail (online payment system)

Free school meal entitlement
  • Any parent wishing to apply for free meals may do so.
  • Please contact the school office for the the appropriate forms.

Lunch-time supervision of children
  • During lunch-time a team of mid-day supervisors look after children and there is always a teacher available for emergencies.