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In our Federation, we believe that SMSC is all about developing the whole child through a range of well-structured and well- planned:


  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural activities


To do this, we strive to create an environment which enables all children to grow and flourish. Through nurturing this environment and providing strong positive role-models, we want each child to become confident individuals who appreciate their own worth as well as that of others. We strive to create a safe place where it is okay to be yourself and it is okay to be different.


Via our SMSC provision we aim to equip all children with a robust ‘moral compass’ and give them with the skills they will need to be productive and happy citizens of future.


We recognise that society is changing and rapidly too. Our culture/values appreciate that multiculturalism is a key feature of British life and that many of the jobs our children will take up in years to come do not even currently exist. We ensure that each and every child is prepared for adulthood and that they have the social, emotional and economic tools to forge productive and fruitful lives for both themselves and their children.


Different cultures are effectively explored and celebrated in depth across school, giving children a good understanding of diversity and respect for other beliefs.


The R.E curriculum effectively ensures the celebration of diversity and spiritual awareness. Trips are made to support learning and visitors to school support teaching.


The innovative use of residential visits for all children in KS2, with activities designed specifically to encourage teamwork, responsibility and respect for the efforts of others, has been very effective in developing social/interpersonal skills in the children.


A wide range of well-established opportunities for children’s voice and leadership including leadership teams, school council, charity weeks and enterprise weeks.


A wide range of extra-curricular provision give equal opportunity to sporting, artistic and academic achievement.


A range of planned initiatives across school such as playground buddies, buddy readers and prefects are used effectively to encourage children’s development of responsibility and empathy.


School’s proactive response to promoting ‘British Values’ and combating radicalism has ensured children have a balanced view of their world and hold positive values.


Below is a list of aims for our SMSC provision and, underneath each of these, I have outlined an ‘evidence base’ explaining what we currently do in school in terms of actual provision.


  • Enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

PSHE lessons, Circle/Discussion Time, weekly celebration and story assemblies, student Leaderships roles (Prefects, School Councillor, Talking/Learning partners)


  • Enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.

Collegiate creation of ‘Class Rules’, Behaviour Code, acceptance of Home/School Agreement, PSHE lessons, Anti-Bullying Week, Collective Worship.


  • Encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.

Collegiate creation of ‘Class Rules’, Behaviour Code, PSHE curriculum, Collective Worship, Anti-Bullying Week, and an annual calendar of  charitable ‘events’ (i.e. Children in Need each November, Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day), Enterprise Week.


  • Enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England.

PSHE curriculum, visitors from emergency services to school, Collective Worship, links with community e.g. local nursing homes.  


  • Further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures.

RE & PSHE curriculums, Collective Worship, Anti-Bullying activities.


  • Encourage respect for other people.

Culture Week, RE & PSHE curriculums, Collective Worship, Anti-Bullying Week, Behaviour Code, ‘Class Rules’


  • Encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.

The election of the  School Council , the application process for Student leadership opportunities (i.e. prefects), PSHE curriculum, preamble to the setting of ‘Class Rules’, History curriculum, selection of theme for Charity events.