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The majority of parents prefer their children to wear recommended school dress which at Wigley consists of;

  • Grey skirt, shorts or trousers
  • White or blue polo-shirt or blouse
  • Blue sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan
  • Gingham summer dress
  • Blue fleece jacket
  • Plain, black shoes

We ask you to send your child/children into school on their PE days wearing their PE kits. This makes for a much easier transition between classroom based and PE lessons.


PE days are as follows:


All of Penny Acres – Tuesday

Wigley Infants – Monday

Wigley Juniors – Tuesday


PE kit to be made up of the following please:


  •         Plain, house-coloured shirt (No football kits or heavily branded shirts please)
  •         Black shorts/bottoms
  •         Suitable footwear for both indoor and outdoor activities.

Please note, shirts do not need to carry the school logo.


During the cooler months, the children are to wear their school jumpers/cardigans as an additional layer which can then be removed for their PE session.


Uniform can be ordered via SchoolTrends  - please click here